Best Free AI Tool Online For Your Business or Personal Use - Master Technical Tips: Get Pro-Level Insights with MahadevSaurav

Best Free AI Tool Online For Your Business or Personal Use

Hello friends, As we know nowadays AI tools are increasing rapidly in digital marketing. However, ChatGPT launched in November 2022, after that Google announced that they would also enter the market and announced Google Bard that can be more powerfull tool, although it is under construction and many AI tools are also preparing to take over the AI tools market. But I want to reveal here a quick-access AI tool that works with Google Sheets. Yes my friend you are a good reader. 😉

I am talking about SheetGPT. SheetGPT is the simplest & easiest way to integrate OpenAI's GPT natural language processing directly within your Google Sheets.

This Google Sheets™ add-on creates a custom function named "=GPT" that can be used within any cell to access OpenAI's language models, including ChatGPT.

Use it to perform such tasks as creating social media content, writing press releases, meta tags, extracting data, and anything else you could ask the world's most advanced AI to do for you. You will get the first 15,000 - 20,000 words of usage free, at a point you will need to sign up to upgrade your plan. "SheetGPT is a US-based business with a robust privacy policy and terms of service.

So let me tell you now how to use it.

Firstly login your Google account on your browser and go to https://sheetgpt.ai  website.

Now Click on Get SheetGPT at the Google Marketplace.

The hyperlinked text button will redirect to Google Workspace Marketplace you just need to simply install with your Google account.

Now open Google Sheets and select a blank sheet.


Now go to Extensions > SheetGPT > Enable SheetGPT

When you click Enable SheetGPT, the SheetGPT AI tool is activated on your selected Google Sheet. Now you need to give the command to SheetGPT to do its required work.
If you want to create your content with SheetGPT for your website, then you need to write a SheetGPT formula =GPT("your requirement" with your requirement in the cell of Google Sheets.
For example: I want to create a Meta Description of my website that provide interior design services in New York then I will just input in one cell =GPT("create a meta description for interior design services in New York of no more than 170 charachters") & press Enter.

It will take a few seconds for SheetGPT to process your order and you will get your content on Google Sheets. You don't need to log in again and again to any tool, and to access it you don't need to wait for long time and search for prompts on internet, because many times we face these problems on ChatGPT.


Thanks For Reading 😊 

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